Tag: <span>Teens</span>

What is Christian Counseling

Christian Counseling

What is Christian Counseling

Christian counseling is distinct from secular counseling in that Christian counselors’ have an absolute standard by which to measure behavior. They see the Bible as the source of all truth. 2Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” The secular counselor tends to use the latest and newest psychological or secular findings as their standard. These of course can change quickly. A Christian counselor uses the Bible for practical wisdom when it comes to marriage, family and life issues.
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Parenting Skills with Step Children

Parenting Skills

Parenting Skills with Step Children

1. Parenting 101 is that you and your spouse are on the same page and give a united front towards your teen or tween. If you disagree iron out your differences before you present guidlines to your child.
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achieving goals - self discipline

Achieving Your Goals

Self Discipline

The key to attaining goals is to be SELF DISCIPLINED, but how do we achieve self discipline, especially in the busy, noise filled world we live in? Here are some tips to help you:
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Addictions can come in many forms.

Very often we have some woundedness such as feeling inferior, inadequacy, feeling unworthy, unloved, disregarded, powerless, shame, guilt or feelings of rejection or just some form of hurt. We then want to bring something into the system to make us feel better. For different people it can be different things. It may be perfectionism, anger, retail therapy, drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography, food, people pleasing, video games, etc etc.

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Gaining Control in Uncontrollable Situations

Gaining Control in Uncontrollable Situations

Raise your hand if you like to be in control…

I know I do! However, so often in life, we are faced with the fact that so many things happen that make us feel out of control – a death, a divorce, a medical diagnosis, a job loss, company shutting down, a global pandemic, a tornado that devastates your hometown and destroys homes and businesses. All these instances can bring feelings of fear, doubt, anger, etc. When this happens, sometimes it seems the easiest thing to do is throw up our hands and give up, quit, give in to that sense of helplessness. It can cause us to make decisions based on fear, rather than logic. So, how do we find a way to gain control over something which we have no control? We may not have control over what has happened, but we can control how we CHOOSE to cope and deal with our circumstances.

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Build Relationships

Healthy Relationship


“Spare the rod and spoil the child.” This is commonly heard, especially in Christian communities… It’s Biblical, scriptural… The NIV version of Proverbs 13:24 states, “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.” But what does it mean? I’m not going to debate the issue of whether or not spanking is ok. I think that this is personal decision, and should also be based on what works for your child and your family, within reason of course. What I want to address regarding that passage is overall discipline and how to make discipline work for the good of your family.

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How to get your teen to talk to you

Teen Talk

How to Get Your Teen to Talk to You

As a licensed professional counselor, I am frequently asked the question, “How do I get my teenage daughter/son to talk to me?” As a mother of two teenage girls and a pre-teen boy, I deal with this myself, as well. What I have learned, both in my practice and in my personal experiences, is that children just want to he heard… much like adults do.

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